Most importantly, from the start, you’ve made a great decision and that’s one to start boxing. You’ve found the workout that’s right for you, now how do you implement that into your daily life? There’s a surprising amount of avenues to take here, and following are some examples to highlight the differences to help you decide whether boxing is something you’d want to do from home or at the gym.

Flexibility vs Structure

Everyone is different and not a thing wrong with that when it comes to working out. The important thing is that you do it, not always when you do it. Some might want flexibility and some might need it depending on what else they’ve going on in their lives. Others simply might thrive in one environment over the other. 

While a lot of us do, not everyone has a job that’s the same work hours and/or days from week to week, take restaurant or hospital employees for example. With these types of work, the flexibility of home boxing might be what keeps them in their new fitness routines given there might not be a 24 hour gym around or trainers available that would be able to be flexible each week when it comes to scheduling. 

There are also those of us that need to do the same thing, at the same time each week, or it’s not going to stick for them. It might be easier for that person to have a standing appointment with a trainer (or friend) to make sure they keep coming back to the gym each week. 

Comfort Around People

Another example that comes down to the preference of the individual. Some don’t like to be alone when working out, for safety reasons, and that’s a perfectly reasonable way to approach fitness. If you find yourself in that camp, gym boxing might be the better of the 2 options for you. 

On the other hand, there are those that would feel much more comfortable learning a new workout in the comfort of their own home. Some might find the culture of the gym intimidating and thankfully there are still options, a punch tracker for example, which allows not only a community aspect to working out at home but also provides options for training content as well as tracking data from workout to workout. 

Location & Size 

Where you live and what your living arrangements look are absolutely something to consider as well. Live miles and miles from the closest boxing gym? You might want to see if an at home set up is a better choice for you. Have roommates or no extra space to dedicate to a heavy bag, let alone what other equipment you might want in your at home set up? Going to the gym might serve your needs better.

For certain, one option will be right for you. A second look at the basement might make you realize there’s more room than you thought or checking another route on your phone’s GPS might make you realize the drive to your local gym isn’t as bad as you thought. Whichever you choose, it’s great that you’ll have boxing as part of your life.



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