The nursing profession is one of the most flexible occupations with various options to help build a solid career. When you train to be a nurse, you will soon discover many divisions such as Family Nurse Practitioner, Geriatric Nursing, Critical Care Nurse, Registered Nurse, and others.

Therefore this offers an opportunity for aspiring student nurses to specialize in their preferred field. Psychiatric nurses are on-demand due to an increase in the number of people in need of mental health care and other reasons. Here are the reasons why psychiatric nurses are in high demand.

Few people choose this career

Psychiatric nurses are more versatile when compared with registered nurses. As well, the educational qualifications and certification are more intense and rigorous. Therefore, this career choice is demanding and requires lots of time to study and money.

After the degree program, the graduates must register with the nursing body before practicing or pursuing an advanced degree. Therefore, few people join the profession, thus the market is not saturated.


Psychiatric nurses specialize in treating patients with mental health issues. There is an element of specialization in psychiatric nurses’ job, unlike registered nurse who performs various duties in a medical facility. For example, in a hospital ward, your day may involve taking care of the mental health patients’ needs, diagnosing and other duties.

Your role as a psychiatric nurse mainly revolves around tracking medication for patients and ensuring they take their drugs on time. You also ensure the patients are feeding well in terms of proper diet and nutrition.

Also, you may dress them and provide general care. You can also identify any arising issues, such as new symptoms and changes of behaviors, recommend treatment or make a referral to a doctor or another medical facility. In addition, you may organize therapeutic activities for patients, including workouts such as swimming, cycling, and individual relaxation therapy sessions.

Besides working in psychiatric hospitals and many medical setups, you can offer consultancy services to private organizations, universities, schools, and people in their homes. After many years of working and studying, you can teach young aspiring nurses at the university.

Mental health issues are on the rise

There is an increase of mental issues such as anxiety or depression in society, and therefore, more people are seeking medical help. The rise in cases is primarily due to family pressures, job issues, children’s drug abuse, and alcoholism.

Due to this, professionals need to take care of the patients and provide them with immediate needs.

They provide care and compassion

Because of the stigmatization by society, few people are willing to come out and seek help due to shame or fear of embarrassment. Psychiatrist nurses are professionally trained to handle patient problems and ensure they are at ease during the treatment program. The nurses are compassionate in the way they handle patients, which also accelerates the recovery rate.

Shortage of nurses

The demand for psychiatric nurses can be attributed to a shortage of nurses in hospitals and other places in need. Therefore, there is a high demand for nurses to fill the gap regardless of the division or occupation.

Can handle a wide range of mental issues

In a psychiatric department, the nurse can be confronted with various problems such as mood disorders, personality disorders, eating disorders, addictions to alcohol, medication, and drugs. You will also encounter anxiety disorders such as panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress, and suicide attempts.

In child psychiatry, you will more often handle developmental issues such as autism, attachment disorders, emotional deficiency, and psychosomatic disorders. Some patients may have illnesses that make them violent, which can press to the limit, mental health for nurses. As well, they may be people facing a one-off crisis in their families or work.

The role of the mental health nurse involves knowing the sick person beyond their needs and going to find out what is causing the conflict in their lives. It then requires analyzing and having a proper diagnosis and then putting into practice what you’ve learned in school and your experience. Without a doubt, psychiatric nurses will continue being a critical profession in the medical field for years to come.


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