An image of a dollar bill in the shape of a successful growth business chart.

In the midst of the pandemic, while many Americans were losing their jobs and businesses were closing their doors, Black women emerged as professional outliers, thriving despite the economic challenges the world was facing.

The sudden 2020 awakening of hiring managers to the plight of the Black woman seeking work—and the publicity around the financial inequities Black women have faced since the country's beginnings—have actually opened up the door to greater opportunities and well deserved support of Black women across all aspects of business and money. (Finally.)

Make no mistake about it: Black women have been exceptional. Despite hurdles from institutional racism, lack of access to opportunities, and pay inequities, Black women have always managed to make a way out of no way, even though we shouldn't have to.

And Black mothers have had to be especially resourceful; after all, raising children and taking care of households while being paid an average of 38% less than white men is no easy feat. And yet time and time again, Black moms get it done.

Fortunately, Black women now have more support than ever to support their financial growth. Big corporations and brands are creating initiatives specifically to help Black women earn more wealth, and it's beautiful to see. Who's leading the charge in the financial advancement of Black women, though? Other Black women, of course.

As Tiffany D. Brown, a business coach who helps executive women transition to entrepreneurship says, "Every day we watch other Black women build their net worth, and we know that it is possible for us, too. Representation matters, and seeing other Black women build their net worth is motivating and inspiring." 

From giving Black moms the tools to invest in the stock market, to helping them start businesses and get better-paying jobs, these three women—who are moms themselves—are taking their expertise in earning and growing money, and doing the best thing they can do with that expertise: teaching other Black moms how to build wealth, too. 

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Cassandra Cummings

Cassandra Cummings is the founder of The Stocks & Stilettos Society, a community of nearly 100,000 Black women who are actively working to increase their net worth through investing. From stocks to real estate, cryptocurrency, and cannabis, Cummings provides comprehensive education across all aspects of growing money. Why is she so passionate about teaching Black women how to invest? 

 Cummings says, “Black women tend to form a sisterhood with women that look like them and whom they can trust. In doing so, they are able to improve their personal economies and work towards increasing their net worth for their families. Often as moms, we can get wrapped up in making everything and everyone else a priority. That leaves very little time to focus on our overall net worth. However, with women making over 80% of the household purchasing decisions, Black moms should have conversations around primarily two areas: saving money and making more money in order to increase their net worth.” 

Brittany L. Bronson

If you look through Brittany L. Bronson’s social media mentions, you’ll see dozens of testimonials from Black women who have benefitted from her career coaching and resume writing services through her company Rebrand Career Consulting. Committed to supporting all women, Bronson sows back into her community by donating services, tools, and funds to Black moms who need support, in addition to the professional clients she services. It’s not unusual for women to share how Bronson has helped them increase their salaries by 50% or more. 

She encourages Black women to be unapologetic and authentic in the workplace. There’s no shrinking allowed on her watch! Bronson shares, “Black women are incredible, multi-talented professionals who are thought leaders in a variety of industries. Showing up, and being respected, as diverse contributors also means communicating unapologetically unique needs as parents.”

Tiffany D. Brown

Tiffany D. Brown was doing exceptionally well as a pharmaceutical sales rep when she decided to give it up and work for herself full-time. A highly sought-after influencer with over 100,000 followers on Instagram, Brown is teaching other corporate moms how to step out on their own through her coaching programs. 

Brown shares that she started coaching professional women because “having a strong support system can make or break a Black woman who is trying to build her net worth. Support from spouses, partners, friends, and families can go a long way. Having support keeps us motivated and confident to keep going, even when things become challenging.”

Do you know what happens when you increase the net worth of Black women? It leads to an overall increase in wealth for the Black family. Support these women, and others like them, as they do the work of creating the country (you know, the one filled with opportunity) that our forefathers promised.


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