The divorce is undoubtedly one of the most difficult stages in life a person can go through. It is a highly emotional one, which can lead to an emotional breakdown if not dealt with appropriately. A lot of people’s first step towards recovery after a painful divorce is, as a matter of fact, buying their own home. Saying ‘goodbye’ to the old is what can set the beginning of a brand new life as well as the first stage of the healing process.
Once you start ‘hunting’ for a home, have very important thing in mind – you are looking for a place that YOU like. That’s what’s most important, as it is something you’re doing for yourself. You need not comply with anybody. That is if you don’t have children, of course. If you are in a situation like this, consider how will you feel like, living in the new house. Sure, buying a small, one bedroom apartment isn’t a smart idea in case you are to share it with two children. First of all, avoid any familiarity. After all, are you trying to start a new life, or bring back memories of the past? Don’t copy the situation and style of your old home. A new start will be set a lot easier, if everything around you is new and you need to adjust to it. As already mentioned, in case you bring kids along, consider ‘consulting’ with them, too. After all, you will be sharing a home together and in order for you to be happy, you need their consent. Don’t be selfish.
When it’s time for you to choose the location, think about if you will manage to find new friends and lead a relatively interesting life over there. Choose your location depending on your interests. For example, if you want to be all by yourself and indulge in plenty of farming and reading, a good option for you would be moving to the country. But the majority of people that will find this kind of lifestyle appealing are retired folks over the age of 60, for instance. But if you are still relatively young, or if you feel that way, and want to socialize and meet people to have fun with, instead of mentally dwelling in the past, you will need a larger city. However, buying an estate in the center of a cosmopolitan city is not the only option. Just be sure that the area you have chosen as your new home, has enough places for socializing – hobby clubs, gyms, bars/discos, restaurants, cinemas, etc. depending on your interests. Be realistic – at a certain point you will be ready and willing to start dating again and when that moment comes, it would be better if you live in a more populated area. This way, the chances of meeting your new significant other are higher.
If you are to be buying an apartment or a house in an area that is totally unfamiliar to you, think about renting the place first. That’s because there is the possibility the area does not appeal to you.
Don’t forget that there is a chance this new apartment or house of yours might not be your home until the rest of your days and at some point you may decide to sell it. That’s a good enough reason for you to take saleability into consideration. The estate you will buy needs to be one that will also be relatively easy to sell and not one you will be stuck with forever. When buying, you need to be overly cautious – all facts, which can be labeled as ‘disadvantages’ have to be paid attention to – nearby railways, road noise, shared driveways, etc.
Be smart, don’t take rash decisions. The place you really need and the place you want might as well be two completely different things. If that’s the case, aim at the middle. Answer yourself some question before buying. Do I need a garage? And what about that enormous backyard? Finally, don’t aim at estates you can’t afford.
Article by: Heather Roberts
Heather Roberts is a content writer from London, UK and is currently writing about removals and storage services for: handymoves.co.uk