Selling your home can be a lengthy and stressful process, and it is possibly one of the biggest transactions you will make in your life. As a result, it is worth taking the time to understand the do’s and don’ts of this process.

In this article, we have outlined some common homeowner mistakes to avoid when selling your home to ensure your transaction goes through smoothly and in the shortest amount of time.

Limiting Viewings

It may be inconvenient but in the long run, making your home available for viewings is essential for securing a sale. The more difficult your house is to show, the harder it will be to sell.

Accommodating agents by being cooperative in your dealings will ensure you do not miss opportunities for prospective buyers to view your home. If you are not at home during the day, consider making your agent’s life easier by giving them a house key to let themselves in and relax restrictions on the need for appointments, where possible. This may mean having to vacate the premises for hours at a time for open viewings and keeping it clean and tidy at all times.

While bothersome, the disturbance will be temporary and will increase the likelihood of your house being sold to the right buyer.

Selling at the Wrong Time

Knowing when to sell your house can be one of the most important factors in ensuring you get enough interest and footfall for your property. According to research, October and December tend to be the worst times to sell a house, while May and June return the most profit for sellers.

Unless you are selling a house in California or some other warm climate where seasons are not so much of an issue, it is best to avoid the winter months when putting your home on the market, as these are the slowest time for house sales. As the days get colder and shorter and the holiday season approaches, house-hunting tends to take a back seat.

Spring is considered to be the best time to sell your house, as families usually begin their search for a new home when the weather is nicer for viewings and their children are not in school.

Inadequate or Poor Quality Visuals

These days most people will view your property online so presenting it at its best will help to attract the most interest and viewings. Photography can make all the difference when it comes to securing a speedy sale. According to the National Association of Realtors 2017 study, homes listed with 20 photos spend an average of 32 days on the market compared to 70 days for homes listed with just one photo.

Hire a professional to take high-quality photographs of your home during the day. Showcasing your property in the best light can make the difference between someone booking a viewing or scrolling past your property.

In addition to photographs, a 360-degree video tour of your home is another great way to attract attention and further boost your listing. According to a University of Iowa study, virtual home tours can result in a 2% to 3% increase in sale price compared to similar homes without them.

Follow these three tips to ensure an effortless sale of your home.


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